Sunday, January 23, 2011

LIfe Through Tired Eyes...

They weren't kidding when they said this is the busiest semester you'll ever have. BAHH!

Hence, the lack of posts, the lack of milage, and lack of recipes. Perhaps this week will be better? Here's a recipe I made the other day. It's not mine so I can't take credit although I did make bread instead of muffins. It was amazing. Try it!

I haven't been able to do much yoga either. I HAVE been using some yoga theory to keep my stress levels down. If you don't know much yoga theory, at least check out of meaning of the Tibetan word, shenpa. This article does a good job of explaining it if you're interested. Basically, you label the things you're worrying about as your "shenpa" and then move about your day. For example, I had a lot of anxiety about being in the classroom this semester. Instead of getting worked up about it and letting it affect my rest, crucial for good performance in any classroom, I labeled my anxiety as my "shenpa" and then moved on with my day (and slept pretty well). I SWEAR upon this. I have most definitely seen a reduction in my stress and anxiety levels because of it. I am the kind of person who will try a fad technique for a lot of things, such as reducing stress, and then get bored of it and drop it. Not shenpa. Do try it. I promise, it works!

Let's pray for another sunny day tomorrow! Until next time...



  1. Funny, after you mentioned this to me after seminar I did a search and found the exact same article. Then I realized that it was written by the same woman who wrote the book I am reading. Small world :)


  2. What book are you reading? I've always wanted to read a good yoga book.
