Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Cooking, Traveling, Yoga and Running and New Years Resolutions

I have always wanted to start a blog for a lot of things. I just had to start one for my experience teacher assisting this semester and now I'm a blogaholic (new word?). I decided to start this second one to keep my professional and personal life slightly separate. So, to touch upon everything in the title...

Cooking: I am a food fanatic. The feeling of beautiful food touching your tongue is unexplainable. Food is a necessity made to be an art form, a social pleasure and a sin. Food makes you fat, food makes you skinny, food makes you healthy, food makes you happy, food makes you sad. HOW INCREDIBLE. Being a college kid, I don't get the blessing of experiencing amazing food very often. However, I have discovered that being creative in the kitchen with next to nothing in my cupboards is just as good. I hope share some of my "creative" recipes for better or worse in hopes of sparking your creativity too.

Traveling: I caught the traveling bug from my family. My next destination: Stellenbosch, South Africa. I could not be more excited. Also on the list for sometime in the future: Brazil, Italy, Australia/New Zealand, Taiwan, Korea. Brazil for the world cup, Italy for the wine and food (duh), Australia/New Zealand just because, Taiwan for it's beauty, Korea to see the land where the boyfriend is from. Anywhere in between is fine with me too :)

Yoga: It's incredible. Just try it.

Running: I picked it up this summer and kind of slacked after I ran my first 5k. I hope to pick it up again and have a goal of running 365 miles this year, one mile for every day. I'll keep track in the blog. So far, 1/2 mile (hey, it's a start...)

New Years Resolution: Stop biting my nails!

I must go walk the dog before dinner. Stay tuned for recipes, running and resolution updates and traveling news!


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