Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Failing...New Plan

This semester has posed a huge challenge to keeping up this blog and all of the goals I set for myself. So, I've decided to abandon and/or change a few goals...

As for the no biting nails goal, forget it. I only do it when I'm stressed and stressed is all I am this semester. I'm still going to make an effort but there isn't much hope. Better luck next year, huh?

My 365 miles in 365 days isn't going so well. I hardly have time during the week and spend all weekend catching up on homework and preparing for the next week. I don't feel like I've really taken a break this semester. I did this weekend which was nice, but one little break means double the effort afterwards. It's a vicious cycle. I have every intention of continuing running when I return from South Africa, but for now, it just doesn't seem possible. However, I am NOT giving up. In leu of my running goal (for now) I have registered for the fifth third 10000 steps program. It's free, and you get a free pedometer! I figured I could manage getting in some walking everyday better than I can fit in running. I think this is a good compromise!

I apologize for the lack of recipes. Honestly, I haven't had much time to do a lot of cooking either. (Boy, I'm looking forward to March 20, my departure date, more and more everyday!) Here is an easy easy pasta recipe I made this week.

Pasta Salad:

Boil half a box of whole-wheat spiral pasta (I overcook it because whole-wheat pasta is a little tougher)
Slice some red and yellow peppers.
crumble feta
open a jar of sliced olives (whole olives are cheaper - I usually buy whole and slice them myself, but I accidentally grabbed sliced at the store)
Dice a little bit of tomato (or get cherry tomatoes and cut in half or quarters)

Cook pasta and let cool slightly. Toss in veggies and cheese. Coat with italian (or greek) dressing.

I made a huge batch and just eat it for lunch everyday :) This is very versatile. You can add whatever veggies, cheese, dressing you want. Heck, get crazy and add a little bacon or chicken or both!

P.S. Remember when I said I had lots of kitchen tips but when I went to write them here I forgot? Well, I just remembered one yesterday...

If your cutting board is slipping around on the counter and making it hard to cut, lay a damp towel underneth it - it works wonders!

For now, Cheers

I will do my best to give you some more in the future :)

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