Friday, May 20, 2011

Bucket List

I hope everyone enjoyed my Africa posts! I'm getting adjusted back into American life and missing Africa everyday! I do believe however, that I've made lifelong friends on this trip though so they will most definitely help me keep all of the memories alive. I'm staring a bucket list because I had so many crazy adventures in Africa that I feel I need to keep it going. I only have a handful of things on the list so far so feel free to shout out ideas and I'll add to it as more things come to me.

Bucket List:
Run 365 miles in one year.
Run a marathon
Visit all six habitable continents (half way there!)
Learn to speak Spanish
Complete my cool sock collection so I will never wear the same pair of socks in one year
Run the Susan G. Koman Race for the Cure next year!
Walk in the Susan G. Koman 3 Day Walk
Complete the list of 100 books every high schooler should read


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